Sunday, 10 February 2013

Who Are You Brave Adventurers?

Something struck me the other day as I was sorting through my various editions of Tunnels and Trolls and supplements looking for everything I could find regarding spell casting. Who are these nameless heroes?

I see them every time I open the box or, pick up the rulebook but until now I've never really given them a second thought, let alone any stats.

So if you were writing up one of these delvers, how would you outfit them? What type? What attributes? What back story and, what equipment?


  1. I have always thought that the orcs do not appear to have any weapons, so is this a mixed race group of race haters, exterminating the defenseless orcs in their home?

    1. Exterminating a group of defenseless orcs in their home.. Yup, sounds like delvers to me. ;0).

      Then again we can't see what far-right orc has in his hands. Could be duel pistols.. At least that's the tale that they'll be telling at the tavern. Oh, and there where 10 of them. All heavily armed. :0D.

    2. Watch out for the may have 30 combat adds with its tiny weapon.

    3. Lol, am I the only one that finds it odd that something that small could put up a fight with a troll in hand-to-hand?

      That said, I have always fancied running purely fae folk through the solos and, Gnomes have always been a solid favorite of mine, no matter the system. Then you've also got Fairies, Leprechauns, Pixies, Nixies, Sprites, Trow, Goblins, Boglins, Brownies.. The list is seemingly endless.

      Whilst not always practical, I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun. :0).

  2. I don;t have v7.5 so hadn't really thought about this cover. But went through a period in the 1980s of trying to generate characters to go with all the Danforth illos in my copy of 5.0. Most successful was a female rogue (forget the name) with quilted silk armour and assegair based on the picture on the Saving Rolls page...

    1. Sounds great!

      I don't suppose you still have the character sheet and, would care to share?
