Friday 28 September 2012


That really is the only word I can use to describe what has just happened!

As some of my regulars may or, may not know, I keep a watchful eye over the analytics for this blog. Partly because I still have my focus set on the 1,000,000 page count mark (which admittedly may take a while) but, also because I want to offer my reads more of what they want.

Looking over the figures, I can see what's popular and, give you more of it!

I certainly wasn't expecting just how popular we have become over the past week though. I won't bore you all with the averages and what not but, I will say that nearly every day this week has seen an increase in the number of pageviews that the blog is receiving.

Yesterday, this number more than doubled!

Which can be looked at as we became twice as popular within 24 hours. Which is frankly amazing and, I am stoked!

Today's statistics are looking more than healthy too, so again and, I can't reiterate this enough, a BIG thank you to everyone who drops by. YOU are what makes it worthwhile.

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